Rumi quote

Load the ship and set out. No one knows for certain whether the vessel will sink or reach the harbor. Cautious people say, "I'll do nothing until I can be sure". Merchants know better. If you do nothing, you lose. Don't be one of those merchants who wont risk the ocean. - Rumi

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wed Jan 2

Good Morning :))
Yesterday was a smooth travel day, but not much to report. Miles of open road through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas with Lyle Lovett, Billy Joel and Tracy Chapman. There were high winds, but not a lot of travelers outside of the trucks on the road, and tumbleweeds jumping up randomly trying to eat my Corolla. I was overjoyed to discover Love's Gas station just west of the Texas border - the first shiny clean gas station with real coffee since California!!!

I'm excited about today - I should make it to Susan's house about 3 or 4 this afternoon. We'll drive around Boerne a bit, then go out to dinner. And I can't wait to meet her roommate Michelle - or , I mean, my new roomate :) - and get reaquainted with Susan's 27 year old adorable son Ryan.

I probably won't write anymore's been years since I've seen Susan and something tells me it will be on of those nights where the girl's talk never ends. But I will take lots of pictures of the crew, and tell you all about Boerne tomorrow. Maybe by then I'll have seen San Antonio, also and have some great pics of the city for you. Lots of love, Rhonda (PS i miss you all)

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