Rumi quote

Load the ship and set out. No one knows for certain whether the vessel will sink or reach the harbor. Cautious people say, "I'll do nothing until I can be sure". Merchants know better. If you do nothing, you lose. Don't be one of those merchants who wont risk the ocean. - Rumi

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Boxed Jungle

Hi Friends,

Well after weeks of indecision, I've finally decided to drive to Texas and make a road trip of it. There were pros and cons both ways, but in the end I decided it would be much more of an adventure to drive and take pictures along the way.

So I thought, well, what the heck, why not start a "blog" of the trip. That way I can share the pictures and keep in touch during my road trip, and as I get settled in Boerne. The "blog" thing is a brand new experience for me, but I thought it might be a nice way to keep in touch with my good friends and family, and you can also post messages and comments below. I'm sure I will appreciate your messages when I'm between destinations, which mapquest lists as a 1305 mile trip. I expect to split it into about 3 or 4 days of travel, and plan to leave sometime between Saturday and Monday of next week (I'll have a definite date by Wednesday).

This was the year I was going to send out my Christmas cards on time and guess what? Yep, I'm climbing through a jungle of boxes - and I'm sure those Christmas cards are here somewhere, probably hiding out with the metronome that has been playing hide and seek with me for the last week!

There's only one way to make a change, and that's with an attitude of excitement and anticipation - this is one thing I've managed not to lose amongst the boxes! But the past week, sorting through everything that is in my place has brought back 12 years of memories & smiles and at times, a few tears. California is not an easy place to leave - it's breathtaking beaches and natural beauty, though, pale next to the people that I've known here, and the family that I've been able to spend time with. As excited as I am to start this new chapter in my life, it's hard to leave you, California, I want you to know that!

I've been so fortunate to be near my family for these past 12 years, and also to have made some wonderful friendships that will last far beyond the state lines, and these are the thoughts that run through my mind the most during my last days here in Dana Point. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and stop back next week when I start my actual road trip. See you then!

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