Rumi quote

Load the ship and set out. No one knows for certain whether the vessel will sink or reach the harbor. Cautious people say, "I'll do nothing until I can be sure". Merchants know better. If you do nothing, you lose. Don't be one of those merchants who wont risk the ocean. - Rumi

Monday, December 31, 2007

Pics from Tucson Botanical Gardens

Pics from Tucson Neighborhoods

Monday in Tucson

Happy New Year's Eve :)) Hope you are all having a wonderful time tonight, I am here in Tucson - I decided to stay one more night and relax and catch up on some sleep.

Today I headed over to the Botanical Gardens and took a very relaxing walk. Then I drove around some of the neighborhoods in the main area. It was a great day, and I'm ready and looking forward to the drive to Fort Stockton Tomorrow...I took lots of pictures for you today, hopefully you can view the slidesows above! Have a great New Years Eve!!! Smiles, Rhonda

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saying goodbye to Dana Point

Day one: Arizona

I had a wonderful visit with my parents last night, and drove away at about 7 this morning headed for Texas... as I left Corona, my mind drifted back exactly 12 years ago, when Paige and I flew into California on Christmas Eve Day. We arrived at Dad and Sandy's to find a huge banner plastered across the garage door that read "Welcome Rhonda & Paige!"

And as I pull onto the 91 headed toward the 10, my mind flashes back on so many wonderful memories with my Dad and Sandy and the rest of the Bradley crew - My Aunt Effy and Uncle Sandy & my cousin David. Along with a whole bunch of othere "Bradleys" including the doggies - Angel, Pete & Baby.

And I say a quiet thank you for my family, and for their understanding and support for this next phase of my life, even though I know it's hard for them to see me go.

I drive away with the hopes that the people in my life - my family and friends - that they know how important they are to me. I wonder, "Did I show them? Did I make it clear? These people that mean so much, did I do enough to let them know how much they mean to me?" And I make a clear mental note that my future will include taking a little more time, a little more effort, to be sure that the important people in my life know just how much I love them, and how much of a difference they make in my life.

Then I pop in a CD that I bought 10 years ago and never listened to :)) As I left California and crossed over to Arizona, "Good Time Charlie's Got the Blues" was playing " Everybody's leaving town... "

The hours in the car were a blending between the thoughts in my mind, the lyrics from the music, and a half a dozen times where I stopped myself from pulling the car into the emergency lane. to take pictures that I could share with you all

OMG! Gas - $2.88 per gallon...a speed limit of 75 (which meant they were driving 90 - a little too fast for my Corolla!)...mountains in the oddest shapes I've ever seen... and cactus that to me seemed outrageously big! And I can't believe this -I darn near did a U turn on the Freeway when I saw an Ostrich Farm!!!! An Ostrich farm!!! I really wanted to turn around and take pictures.

I tried a late breakfast at a little diner just past the border. I wasn't really hungry, just wanted to soak up a little Arizona culture & the 50 cent coffee sounded appealing. I ordered the oatmeal, which was sticky and lumpy and somehow seemed more "homemade" that way.

The half and half I asked for with my coffee turned out to be skim milk with what I think were chunks of crushed ice floating on top. But I was fairly certain that had I complained, the waitress would pop me in the nose, so I smiled and said thank you - then made sure she couldn't see through the window when I dumped it in the trash can outside the door :)))

The radio started working again as I got closer to Phoenix and it seems country music hasn't changed much over the years.... "That's my home and my car, that's the dog in my backyard...and my wife...and some other guy living my life..." One thing about Arizona - they really know how to do "country" authentically.

I made it to the La Quinta Hotel in downtown Tucson at about 3:30 Arizona time after a smooth and beautiful drive (perfect weather too). And I may just stay here and sleep for 48 hours and recover from all the packing, or drive out to El Paso tomorrow, I'll just wait and see where the day takes me. This is such a wonderful, relaxing break and I've made a pact with myself to do more road trips in the future - just for fun - without all the packing and moving!

Keep in touch, I love and miss you all.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Boxed Jungle

Hi Friends,

Well after weeks of indecision, I've finally decided to drive to Texas and make a road trip of it. There were pros and cons both ways, but in the end I decided it would be much more of an adventure to drive and take pictures along the way.

So I thought, well, what the heck, why not start a "blog" of the trip. That way I can share the pictures and keep in touch during my road trip, and as I get settled in Boerne. The "blog" thing is a brand new experience for me, but I thought it might be a nice way to keep in touch with my good friends and family, and you can also post messages and comments below. I'm sure I will appreciate your messages when I'm between destinations, which mapquest lists as a 1305 mile trip. I expect to split it into about 3 or 4 days of travel, and plan to leave sometime between Saturday and Monday of next week (I'll have a definite date by Wednesday).

This was the year I was going to send out my Christmas cards on time and guess what? Yep, I'm climbing through a jungle of boxes - and I'm sure those Christmas cards are here somewhere, probably hiding out with the metronome that has been playing hide and seek with me for the last week!

There's only one way to make a change, and that's with an attitude of excitement and anticipation - this is one thing I've managed not to lose amongst the boxes! But the past week, sorting through everything that is in my place has brought back 12 years of memories & smiles and at times, a few tears. California is not an easy place to leave - it's breathtaking beaches and natural beauty, though, pale next to the people that I've known here, and the family that I've been able to spend time with. As excited as I am to start this new chapter in my life, it's hard to leave you, California, I want you to know that!

I've been so fortunate to be near my family for these past 12 years, and also to have made some wonderful friendships that will last far beyond the state lines, and these are the thoughts that run through my mind the most during my last days here in Dana Point. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and stop back next week when I start my actual road trip. See you then!