Rumi quote

Load the ship and set out. No one knows for certain whether the vessel will sink or reach the harbor. Cautious people say, "I'll do nothing until I can be sure". Merchants know better. If you do nothing, you lose. Don't be one of those merchants who wont risk the ocean. - Rumi

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reinventing an old blog

I started this blog a couple years ago to journal my move (via car) to Texas. 2 1/2 years in Texas now and for the most part, all I've done is work and invest my time in building a new business. It's worth every ounce of energy - I still feel grateful to be able to work in music - it's just that from time to time I need to step out of it in order to see straight.

So I'm making a commitment to taking a little time each week to do something ridiculous, meaningless, or just plain silly. I'll come back here and share it, and maybe this time next year I can take a look back and see if it has made me a better, more passionate musician.

And a "shout out" to Paige - thanks for starting your blog and reminding me how important it is to take time out and just be a person, and have the guts to write about it.


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